I am abundantly blessed. So are you!
that I want to give often times on this
channel I cover a lot of things that are
falling apart things that need awareness
I really like to focus on awareness of
of what's going on so we're informed and
can make our own decisions but today I
want to focus on everything that's good
and uh I for one have an immense amount
to be grateful for I have an incredible
wife I mean incredible wife I have four
amazing kids that are just great human
beings that bring just such richness and
joy to my life I have the gospel imagine
I to to understand my purpose here on
Earth to have that framework of the Plan
of Salvation of a premortal world why
we're here now where we're going how to
get there an understanding of the
atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ that
makes everything go and if we lean on it
if we lean on it and and repent
and use our own agency to develop who we
are and go beyond this is something I
like to talk about with the atonement
it's you know go beyond just being
healed there's such a focus on this
grace and healing sure what what is it
for what is the ultimate purpose of that
healing is it just to be in some utopic
state it is it is to be like
him and to follow him in his footsteps
not just in Commandments right it it's
being like him where we actually decide
we're going to take on
responsibility and for ourselves for our
families for our communities and
Beyond uh and bear the burdens if
necessary like Christ has done for us
and that to me is the inspiring message
that must always be put out there about
gospel just being made whole kind of is
is sometimes in a a time of desperation
might be enough I get that and I've been
in those
situations and and that is like all you
see but there is something beyond that
that can be inspiring about becoming
like him and and taking on the
responsibility that he takes on for
others I'm grateful for amazing parents
I had two amazing parents they divorced
when I was 6 years old uh for their own
reasons but both stayed very solid in
the church and were incredible examples
to me and and I'm and I'm so much good
comes from them am and and of
course uh for my wife right I am so much
of goodness in me comes from my parents
and my wife and my
kids uh those are things that have kept
me in check those are things that have
helped me focus on what I need to be and
who I am following a certain
order that is prescribed by the Gospel
of Jesus Christ of family and Christ and
so I'm grateful for that I'm so grateful
for a living Prophet that uh can help
guide us I am grateful for the temple
that brings us uh
a allows us to make covenants that help
bind us more and more to Christ I live
in a
country that has never nothing like this
has ever existed before anywhere
and and that that offers such freedom
and and progress and growth and agency
Liberty it is uh it is it is incredible
the technological advances that we live
in in our time we live in these last
days and there is so much to be
about but wow I mean imagine living in
this time and and having the opportunity
to separate yourself and to be aware of
all that is going on and and still
choose Faith right still choose Faith
which is not belief it is trust right to
trust in God so Health to me is
something that is a big deal I've had
health challenges all my life and and
and you know it's funny because I even
though I've because I've had those
health challenges I'm that much more
grateful for the health that I do have I
have had my life saved a couple of
uh because of health
issues and uh and here I am right so I'm
grateful to just to be alive in in and
be able to speak to you right
now what are you grateful for I I think
that Thanksgiving is kind of like an
annual Sabbath in a way where we can
turn our hearts
toward uh all that is good in our world
and and all that we can look to one more
I want to say and that's the
church the church is true and that is a
true statement it's not just the gospel
that's true read Doctrine and Covenants
one the church is true it is the
greatest organization on Earth with all
flaws with all of its human
error it is the greatest organization on
Earth and brings the greatest good to
the world
and that's not just a humanitarian issue
right that is a gospel message that is
helping to produce and strengthen
families that is helping to uh bind you
to Christ through covenants and go
through the Covenant path and create a
better world through better individuals
and better
families and preaching about
Christ so much to be grateful for and
and uh you know so many of us have the
opportunity today in the US to to be
with family or or at least communicate
with family and that is a great blessing
in our lives so just a quick message
about the goodness in the world that we
want to protect and relish in thanks for